American Computer Museum - The Early Office |
American University Computer History Museum
Association pour le musée international du calcul de
l'informatique et de l'automatique de Valbonne Sophia Antipolis |
Computer Museum of America |
Computer Museum - University of Amsterdam |
Historical Museum of Capodimonte Astronomical
Observatory |
International Council of Museums |
Mind Machine Web Museum |
Musée des arts et métiers |
Museum of HP Calculators - Early Calculators |
Museum of the Faculty of Geodesy
TU Delft, the Netherlands |
Science Museum of London |
Smithsonian Institution |
System Source - Computer Museum |
Theo Lumens Museum Calculator Museum |
The Hague Popular-Science Museum |
Japanese Museum of Science |
Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum
"The largest computer museum of the world," Guinnes Book of Records. |
Mathematisches Maschinenmuseum |
Deutsches Museum · München
Computer History Exhibits - Calculators
Stanford University |
Museu das Calculadoras - Brazil |
Computer History Museum - Czechoslovakia |
Arithmeum (Arithmometer Museum) - Bonn -
Germany  |