This page provides with
information about some important resources useful for collectors of mechanical
calculators. |
International Association of
Calculator Collectors. publishes a quarterly newsletter with information of interest
for collectors of mechanical or electronic calculators. The membership fee cost US$16 per
year (US$20 outside the USA). For more information visit its Web site or send an email to Guy Ball.
site of interest is the IFHB
Internationales Forum Historische Bürowelt e. V. - a society of mostly German
collectors of old calculators and typewriters.  |
To get in touch with other
collectors subscribe yourself to the Mechanical Calculators Mailing List maintained by Erez Kaplan.
To send commands (not messages to the subscribers) use the following
address: LISTSERV@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL. Commands must be included in the message body, not in the subject field. The
main commands are:
- SUBSCRIBE CALCLIST-L (to subscribe to the list).
- UNSUBSCRIBE CALCLIST-L (to unsubscribe from the list).
- SET CALCLIST-L ACK NOREPRO (to send a short
- SET CALCLIST-L NOACK NOREPRO (to disable acknowledgments).
- INDEX CALCLIST-L (to get an index of previous messages).
- GET CALCLIST-L LOGxxxx (to get a copy of a previous
- INFO REFCARD (to get additional info on available commands)
Once subscribed, send messages to all subscribers by using this
To access the list archives use the following address:
If you also collect electronical
calculators, subscribe yourself to the Automatic Calculator Email List located in under the groiup name
"oldcalcs" Once subscribed, you can send messages to all subscribers
by using this email address:
option is to post your messages in the "Vintage
Calculators & Slide Rules Forum" at this site.
Rick Furr's
Calculator Page is indeed the absolute reference for Curta related information. A
great place to visit!For help with Curta repairs contact:
32 Old Barn Road
Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
(847) 550-5052
a comprehensive listing of mechanical calculators, visit Michel
Bardel's site. It is great reference site with a tentative list of all existing
mechanical machines since 1851! |
Also, you may want to visit the Forum for Antique Scientific
Instruments hosted by "The Gemmary."
It usually have posts related to mechanical calculators.
Need "springhooks" for your old Burroughs calculator? Michael Hancock can help with that.
Thanks to a collector from Moncks Corner, SC who wants to
remain anonymous, Ernie Jorgenson have a few
Burroughs keys. These keys are used to remove the covers from the following machines. BR6. Fits the Glass Sided Burroughs as the Flat Bed Adder. Price:
BR7. Fits the Burroughs Key Drive 'Comptometer Type'
Calculator. Price: $8.00
Please adding $1.50 for Handling and Postage. |
Dick Rose is a dealer of mechanical calculators and
slide rules. His inventory of slide rules is very impressive. Click
here to review his products.
repair, service and remarketing of your old office equipment you may contact Neal McChristy at RS&R - Yesterday's Office.
If you want to sell, buy or trade a calculator, post your ad or
review the ads in the sites listed on the "Classifieds"
section of this site.
If you are a former Friden employee or are interested in the
history of Friden, you want to visit Frank
Rauck's Friden Web Page.
Click here
for Ernie Jorgenson's Catalog of Manuals for Mechanical and Electro-mechanical
Ray MacKay can
provide a CD-ROM with 500 MB of info about MADAS and Comptometers. The information
includes manuals in PDF format and pictures in JPG and GIF format. Click here for details.
Yesterday's Office is a place where you can find information on repairing old
mechanical office equipment. This is service provided by Neal McChristy as part of his "Repair, Service & Remarketing,
RS&R" web site. |
If you would like to
wear a quality heavy cotton CURTA T-shirt, grey or white w/blue-black printing, contact Vic Kulikauskas $19.95 + $4 shipping

your search in The
Google Page of Calculators.

We try to collect information about all mechanical
devices. With contribution of all collectors all over the world. At the
moment more or less in German only, but hopefully a lot of English speaking
collectors join ReLex soon. Will you?
As a offer to all is the list (and partly content) of a very large number of
patents. Please try it!
If you know more patents, please inform us, we'll add them.
See you in ReLex!
Friedrich Diestelkamp
If you need to calculate the price of car insurance,
you can use a car insurance calculator at It lets you compare the prices of
different companies.