So you
decided to collect old calculators. You will find this hobby very interesting and
rewarding. This page provides with information about some important resources that you
will find useful as a collector. |
The first step is to become a member of the International Association of Calculator
Collectors. The membership fee cost US$16 per year (US$20 outside the USA), which
include a quarterly newsletter. For more information visit its Web site or send an email
to Guy Ball. |
It is also a good idea to buy the old issues of the
newsletter, which cost US$3 per issue (US$4 outside the USA). Currently there are 12 old
issues available. |
The next step is to buy "The Complete
Collector's Guide to Pocket Calculators." This book written by Guy Ball and Bruce Flamm is the absolute reference on
vintage pocket calculators With more than 200 pages it contains, in addition to historical
notes, photos and characteristics on about 1,500 calculators. Price: US$23.95. Get a $3.00
discount by mentioning you saw it on the X-Number site. |
If the item you are looking for is not included in the
book, look for it on the addendum
maintained at the IACC site.
Also, you will find the HPDATAbase maintained by Craig A. Finseth, to be a valuable reference.
a CD-ROM based Encyclopedia of Computer History is available from Lexikon Services. It covers all the
way from early calculating devices to current electronic computers. It is indeed a great
reference resource. |
To get in
touch with other collectors subscribe yourself to the Automatic Calculator Email List
located in under the group
name "oldcalcs" Once subscribed, you can send messages to all
subscribers by using this email address:
CYHIST Community Memory:
Discussion list on the History of Cyberspace of St. John's University is another
interesting list where you may want to participate. |
If you also
collect mechanical calculators, subscribe to the Mailing List maintained by Erez Kaplan.
To send commands (not messages to the subscribers) use the following
address: LISTSERV@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL. Commands must be included in the message body, not in the subject field. The
main commands are:
- SUBSCRIBE CALCLIST-L (to subscribe to the list).
- UNSUBSCRIBE CALCLIST-L (to unsubscribe from the list).
- SET CALCLIST-L ACK NOREPRO (to send a short
- SET CALCLIST-L NOACK NOREPRO (to disable acknowledgments).
- INDEX CALCLIST-L (to get an index of previous messages).
- GET CALCLIST-L LOGxxxx (to get a copy of a previous
- INFO REFCARD (to get additional info on available commands)
Once subscribed, send messages to all subscribers by using this
Another option is to post your messages in the "Vintage Calculators & Slide Rules Forum"
at this site.
If you want to sell, buy or trade a calculator, post your ad or
review the ads in the sites listed on the "Classifieds"
section of this site.
For chips and technical information - Mike
Sebastian's site is the place!