Internet Sources
James Redin
Professor Jim Falk, "Things that
Count: the rise and fall of calculators." http://things-that-
Jean-Paul Sartre Tomoe Soroban Co. Ltd.
"Soroban," MacTutor, "History of
Mathematics archive," Paul E. Dune,
"History of Science -Course Notes." David Hicks,
"Calculating Machines." Erez Kaplan,
"Calculating Machines." David Weil, "Computer
Museum of America." Charles Babbage Institute,
"Burroughs Corporation History." University of Exeter,
"The Babbage Pages." Gerold Beckers,
"Mechanical Calculators." Ernst-Moritz-Arndt.
"Katalog der Rechentechnischen Sammlung des
Instituts für Mathematik und Informatik."
Universität Greifswald. David Wilkins, "The
History of Mathematics." David E. Joyce,
"History of Mathematics." Clark University Dirk Gfrörer, Martin
Hejl. "The History of Computers."
Fachhochschule für Technik Esslingen. Tom ??, "Tom's
Calculating Devices." Bruce Flamm, "The
Amazing Curta." Rick Furr , "The
CURTA Calculator Page." Jean Marguin, "The
transfer interpreter and the birth of mechanical
calculation." Peggy Aldrich Kidwell,
"Landmarks In Digital Computing." Mark Brader, "What
was the first computer and who built it?" Jones Telecommunications
and Multimedia, Dr. Tim Bergin, Eric
Ashman, Seth Gordon, Jeana Scheirer, Dave Muehling and
Andrew Hewitt, "Mechanical Computing." Rutgers University,
"History of Computing - Calculating Machines."
Outline. E.M. Horsburgh,
"Modern Instruments and Methods of
Calculation." W.G. Galle,
"Mathematische Instrumente." (In German) Libraries of Cornell
University and the University of Michigan.
"Manufacurer and Builder Journal." Andries de Man,
"Original Documents on the History of
Calculators." Andries de Man - Internet
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