"I will give you
everthing I could find on the counter. I could not see any dates.
There is some inspection sticker or something, but I am sure it came
later and the year is torn off. So, it's not even a reference. Much
of what I have below you can see when zooming into the photographs.
But, what I found is below.
German label that has been covered. Allgemeine Vo..?? Rechenmaschine.
In the top left corner in pen is 1843. But, it is torn so you can't
tell if it is a date or some incomplete number.
The two knobs on top, to the left and right, are each stamped; DRGM
The label slapped on top of the German text;
Keuffel & Esser Co.
Mathematical & Surveying Instruments
127 Fulton Street & 42 Ann St.
New York
Branches in Chicago & St. Louis
Factory of Keuffel & Esser Hoboken, NJ (that is fine print at the
There is a knob stamped 2778. Then a stamp that says Burkhardt
Arithometer 81
That is pretty much it. I could not find a date and of course I
can't read the German text."
What do you think, James?