Baldwin Calculator
1902 Model
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"Invention of Frank S. Baldwin, of Newark, who has been engaged in the construction of similar machines for over twenty-five years, his first being the pioneer in single cylinder machines, and which was awarded the Scott medal by the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1874. It was during that year that Mr. Baldwin took out letters patent for a Calculating Machine, but not being satisfied with it, he never placed it on the market.

The present Calculator, patented in 1902, is the result of years of patient study and labor, and is fairly clamed to be the simplest, most compact and accurate Calculating Machine yet offered to the public."

THE SPECTATOR COMPANY, No. 95 William Street, New York. Sole Selling Agents for the United States and Canada. (c. 1903)

Courtesy: Andries de Man. The Baldwin Calculator.

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